I can tell that Easter is just around the corner because Easter Eggs have appeared on the shelves of my local shop! The symbolism of the egg is quite appropriate in the story of new life being born. Imagine a chicken’s egg and the chick inside breaking its way out of the shell to begin its life. The Lord Jesus Christ came out of the tomb to begin His eternal life.
If you’ve got a few minutes over Easter you might like to read the Gospel of John chapter 20. It’s a really uplifting chapter. What preceded it was the horror and shame of crucifixion. So why did the Son of Man have to die? It is because it was the will of His Heavenly Father that a sacrifice should be made to cover all our wrongdoings. That seems extreme but wrongdoings, or as the Bible puts it, sin, is abhorrent to God –
If you’ve got a few minutes over Easter you might like to read the Gospel of John chapter 20. It’s a really uplifting chapter. What preceded it was the horror and shame of crucifixion. So why did the Son of Man have to die? It is because it was the will of His Heavenly Father that a sacrifice should be made to cover all our wrongdoings. That seems extreme but wrongdoings, or as the Bible puts it, sin, is abhorrent to God –
The Gospel of John chapter 20 deals with what happens three days after the crucifixion. His disciples went to the tomb and found it empty, where His body was laid to rest there just remained the grave clothes. The cloth or napkin that covered Jesus’ face “was folded up and lying apart from the other wrappings”.

There’s a lovely tradition that seems to revolve around a master and his servant at dinner time. When the napkin was left at the table it meant the meal was over. But if the master left the table having folded the napkin, it meant “I’m not finished yet – I’m coming back.”
This is the message of Easter. The Lord Jesus died for you and me, but because He led a sinless life, He conquered the grave and in essence, He’s left us with this wonderful message -“I’m not finished yet, I’m coming back.”
So let us be positive at this time of the year and remember why it is we celebrate this holiday and rejoice in the words of Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour:-
So let us be positive at this time of the year and remember why it is we celebrate this holiday and rejoice in the words of Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour:-

“Yes, I am coming soon!
Come, Lord Jesus!”